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[TowerTalk] remote tuner Vs lumped constants

To: "" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] remote tuner Vs lumped constants
From: K8RI <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 00:47:18 -0400
List-post: <">>
I have several 160 and 75 meter antennas. I'd like to be able to cover most og these bands with the least involvement from the shack after the initial set-up.
I run QRO, so matching low impedance antennas like a half sloper can be 
problematic.  Yet I'd like to lower the SWR at the feed point so a solid 
state amp would be happy and have the ability to switch to the band or 
rapidly QSY.
Most of the remote tuners I've looked at come up a bit shu with QRO let 
alonr with a high SWR when covering a large portion of the band.
74 is a center fed, half wave, sloping fan dipole

I have the option of an auto tuner, or switched capacitance at the feed point.
I'd prefer the auto tuner approach, but is there such an animal that 
will cover 160 reliably on QRO?

Roger (K8RI)


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