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Re: [TowerTalk] Lightning protection

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Lightning protection
From: K8RI <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 18:50:00 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 7/8/2013 5:40 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
I tend to agree with you Jim, except for an important proviso.  If we
could all produce a cookie-cutter implementation of a professional
transmitter building, single-point entry panel ground, etc. then it
wouldn't require much to do that. Where it gets messy, and where this
history major stops, is when you know that something - some aspect of
your installation - isn't ideal, so the question is, "what's ideal
enough?" or "will that compromise my installation too much?"

I will still disconnect.  The big change I made in my installation after
my one direct hit was to get rid of my wired network, because it was
that which caused 98 percent of the damage in the house through induced
voltage.  I know because I saw my network cards *afterward*
I disconnect even after all those years where I couldn't, yet had no damage.

I can't get rid of the wired network. wireless isn't fast enough for large file transfers and I do a lot of photography with typically 8 to 10 terabytes on each of 4 computers. Unfortunately even a gigabit network is slow when talking this much data. OTOH I've reached the point where the computers I/O is now the limiting factor.
I have 3, 130' runs to the shop (two used, one spare), 2 roughly 12' 
runs to the two in here and 1 of about 30 feet to my wife's computer,
We do have wireless for the lap tops and net books.


Roger (K8RI)


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