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Re: [TowerTalk] storm static

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] storm static
From: Richard Thorne <>
Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 10:53:07 -0500
List-post: <">>
When ever a storm is approaching my station you can hear a bowl (kings size bowl) of rice krispies up on top of the tower.
I have a F12 C31 and a F12 D240 and the elements are insulated from the 
boom.  My guess is that I'm getting arcing from the elements to the boom.
I'm still working on my grounding.  I have the coax bonded to the tower 
at the top and will do the same soon at the base of the tower.  The 
cables are run in conduit to the shack where I have a bulk head 
(aluminum panel) mounted to the wall of my shop.  The coax cables are 
attached to the bulk head via PolyPhaser devices.  The bulk head is 
grounded via a 8' ground rod as well as it being bonded to the metal 
structure of my shop.  My electrical panel in the shop is also grounded 
to the building and ground rod.
I plan on using a group of Anderson Power Poles for a quick disconnect 
for my rotor cables.  The rotor cable will also be grounded at the base 
of the tower with one of these that I picked up from Array Solutions 
last week
I have more ground rods to put it in so its a work in progress.

Rich - N5ZC

On 7/6/2013 9:30 AM, r miles wrote:
With my 30m Moxon yagi unplugged sometimes  just before a thunderstorm 
I get the blue arc. Wind not necessary. If the humidity is nearing 
100% just two or three minutes before the rain it happens. Scared me 
the first few times. As soon as rain falls it quits arcing.
When I was in Il the arcing happened if there was strong wind & snow 
to my 2m FM yagi.
Unsettling to be sure!


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