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Re: [TowerTalk] Radio Button IC?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Radio Button IC?
From: Jim Lux <>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2013 07:27:29 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 5/1/13 6:54 AM, Mike wrote:

Is there a single IC that will provide the same functions as the old car
radio buttons?

Building a direction selector for an eight direction receiving antenna
system and would like to use push buttons to select the direction.  Desire
is to have the first button pushed to lock out the other buttons should two
or more buttons be push at nearly the same time.  Something similar to the
way the station selector buttons worked on old car radios.

An arrangement using several discrete ICs has been worked out, but would be
nice to have a single IC do the same thing.  I've looked through several
parts supplier catalogs, but haven't found an IC that seems to do the
functions as the old car radio buttons.

If you don't want to use the mechanical approach (which IS still available, by the way)..
I don't know how much design and construction you want to do.. (e.g. 
there are off the shelf industrial PLCs that might do this).
Assuming you're thinking in terms of Normally Open Pushbuttons and LED 
You'll need a programmable part, since there's no off the shelf "1 of N" 
latching selector.  The basic selector logic could easily be programmed 
in the smallest CPLDs, but the tools aren't necessarily easy to get 
started with or cheap.  And, as you've noted, It's not trivial to do 
with 1 or 2 MSI parts like a '148 8:3 priority encoder, a 3:8 '138 
decoder and some sort of latch.
So that pushes you to something like a microcontroller (AVR, PIC, etc.). 
 If you have a software dev background, you have a wealth of options to 
choose from.
If I didn't have anything, and was starting from scratch, this is the 
ideal application for an Arduino or Teensy (or other microcontroller).
You don't need any special prom/PLD programmer, just a USB port on your 
computer (any OS).  The Arduino Uno is available at Radio Shack (and a 
gazillion other places). The Teensy3 is available from or etc.
The code to do it would be easy to write.  The Arduino environment is 
easy to learn if you don't come from a software development background 
(umpty gazillion middle and high school students doing science projects 
can't be wrong).  The code may not be the finest or most efficient or 
make a CS major happy, but usually it works, and if it doesn't it's easy 
to change.
There are off the shelf boards that plug into Arduinos for the 
interfaces.. push buttons, LEDs to light up, relay boards, etc.  take a 
look at or for a starting point. Once you know 
the keywords to search for, google is your friend.
8-10 buttons and LEDs is easy.

If you want to go the CPLD route.. you might talk to the faculty at a local community or 4 year college. Your project is quite typical of a class assignment in "introduction to digital logic using FPGAs" so you might find someone willing to do it, and make the parts, etc. as a "senior project" kind of thing.


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