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Re: [TowerTalk] 6 meter antenna comparisons

To: Tower Talk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 6 meter antenna comparisons
From: Jay Kesterson K0GU <>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 11:41:41 -0600
List-post: <">>
The 617-6B is a very old design. If you look at the manual is is dated 9/91. It was designed before antennas were computer modeled. More boom usually means more gain *IF* you have enough elements to produce that gain. At 33 feet plus of boom the 617-6B needed another element. There are one or two newer designs for the 617-6B out on the internet that include a 7th element.
If you believe modeling, which I do, the 6M7 is indeed a better antenna. 
Both gain wise and front to back. IMO it is no contest unless you want 
to mod the 617-6B with an extra element. The 6M7 is a better antenna 
than the stock 617-6B and has about 2/3 the wind load.
As for 6m Es being either open or closed and any antenna will work I beg 
to differ.
Just like any band or mode you can do things with gain that are not possible otherwise.
73,  Jay  K0GU


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