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[TowerTalk] Water in buried conduit

Subject: [TowerTalk] Water in buried conduit
From: Bill Ogden <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 15:46:48 -0500
List-post: <">>
I assumed the water in my conduit was from condensation. It could probably 
be prevented by a perfect pneumatic seal on each end, but this is not 
trivial to do. Changing air pressure and the different air temperatures 
below ground and above ground would probably tend to have a bellows 
effect. Not much, but it does not take much over a year or two to 
introduce "new" air in the conduit.

My first conduit had a lot of water and I blew it out with a shop vac and 
let the air stream run for an hour or so to help dry it out. A few passes 
with a rag helped after that.  My second conduit (with the 1/4" holes in 
the bottom) has not had any standing water that I could detect.  Must 
admit that I do not check it very often.

I "critter proof" with the fiberglass screen that can be stapled on a 
window. It wads up nicely to stuff in the pipe and my chipmunks seem to 
have no taste for it. YMMV.


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