Mine are 750 TVL from Gadspot. A little over a hundred dollars for 750 TV
Lines of Rez is pretty good now days. Plus varifocal, etc. They have some
great prices for those interested. POE works well but it gives me RF
issues where I don't seem to have it with Siamese cable. But at the same
time I don't use a computer but a DVR and use the software with the DVR
for the Internet access and the iPhone/Ipad apps when using them.
I love to see what's going on when not home. My inside wireless PTZ is
more for a wife's "doggie cam" than anything. The company I work for has
several thousand towers around the globe and we are working on putting
cameras at our sites for monitoring of personnel entering and exiting.
This should be fun. NOT It's great to see how everyone does things though.
New contacts and ideas are always inviting to me.
73 Dave n4zkf
e-mail: n4zkf@n4zkf.com
web: http://www.n4zkf.com
AR-Cluster node: 145.05 Mhz. or telnet://dxc.n4zkf.com:23
CC-Cluster node: 145.07 Mhz. or telnet://ccc.n4zkf.com:7373
Packet BBS: 145.05 Mhz.-14.098 Mhz. or telnet://bbs.n4zkf.com:6300
BPQ Node: 145.05 Mhz.-14.098 Mhz. (n4zkf-5)
SEDAN Node: 145.770 Mhz. (n4zkf-7)
N4ZKF/R 147.375 Mhz. Tone 103.5
On 5/10/12 3:30 PM, "Hector Garcia XE2K" <j_hector_garcia@sbcglobal.net>
>Marlon provide a good example of cameras
>now with the internet and the Apps in the smart phones you can see
>where you
>A camera in a tower can be like your budget allow it
>CCTV cameras are I think the cheap way to go for quality and the long
>run, for
>local monitoring and recording
> The other option for local monitoring are those cheap cameras with a
>and limited capacity
>and maybe short life in the outdoor, when fail get another, your mileage
>IP cameras are not cheap, but you have a big selection of options and
>you can mount in the tower and zoom, get quality image, photos and access
>internet- computer- phone
>How to put the power, those cameras run from different voltages, from
>12 to
>48 volts, depending the model and
>brand, some can be powered with the same cable from the wireless equipment
>Cheap brands that "works" and very nice brand with nice lens , zoom, etc
>your budget and research will be
>the limit.
>I have experience with Axis cameras on towers at 100-140ft to monitor
>construction progress, great details and zoom
>save you a lot of trips to the place, at that height the coverage was
>mts, where you can ID the cars , people or
>what they are doing, closer you can see and take a photo of what they
>have in
>the hand, a beer can or a coke can you can ID.
>Have those cameras running with cable to feed the power, but now you can
>all remote, an small solar panel, one battery
>1 wireless link and the camera mounted in the camera in a small budget,
>the copper cable can be used , but the copper
>stealing is HIGH , for that reason the box on top next to the camera all
>was the option.
>Hope not the be ban for the topic in cameras in towers, but also you can
>one to see where is your antenna beaming
>if you have a home brew rotor system or wireless to save dlls in copper
> J.Hector Garcia XE2K / AD6D
>Mexicali B.C DM22fp
>P.O.Box 73
>El Centro CA 92244-0073
>From: Marlon K. Schafer (509-982-2181) <ooe@odessaoffice.com>
>To: towertalk@contesting.com
>Sent: Thu, May 10, 2012 10:36:39 AM
>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] tower camera
>I've got a couple of cameras from here:
>Not the cheap stuff, but MUCH higher image quality than the cheap
>They also have the benefit of being able to be powered with POE. Power
>Ethernet. That means you run a Cat5 data cable (I use outdoor rated
>to the radio, plug in a power injector inside a building and hook the
>up to your existing network.
>Don't bother with the Inscape DVR software. It's awful to use.
>on my computer I have a link for a highly rated one but I've not tried
>A lot of WISPs also use Axis cameras. I'm planning on trying one or two
>Here's one place to get them:
>Ask for Lee. I've known him for more than a decade now and he's a GREAT
>guy. He's also the one that told me about the other camera DVR software
>use. I'd trust his advice on what camera would be best for your
>application. ie: You'll want a different level of image quality for
>security vs. weather watching.
>Take care,
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "K0DAN" <k0dan@comcast.net>
>To: "n4zkf" <towertalk@n4zkf.com>; <towertalk@contesting.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 10:45 AM
>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] tower camera
>> This is an interesting thread, hope it stays for a while!
>> I too have CCTV on my to-do list, a camera on the tower, maybe one by
>> base, a few others scattered around the home QTH. Because of
>> logistics I am thinking that 5 Ghz WIFI is the simpler (but more costly)
>> install. Distances are light-of-sight and around 130' so I think the RF
>> part
>> should work OK. Still need to get power to the devices. Since other
>> and wannabe's are also on this roadmap, I wonder if others can share any
>> experiences with wireless video?
>> Tnx es 73
>> Dan
>> K0DAN
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: n4zkf
>> Sent: May 09, 2012 05:58 AM
>> To: towertalk@contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] tower camera
>> I have never had a problem with anything but spiders. They like the IR
>> night sometimes but I use a pepper wipe and it keeps them out. The rest,
>> rain (mother nature) takes care of and washes the lens in the afternoon
>> rain. I live a few hundred feet from the ocean so salt water is on
>> everything but the rain does take care of cleaning the lens.
>> Mine are not PTZ but bullet style and the RG6 stops RF from getting in
>> from the radios. I have 9 all around the property hooked to my 2 500GB
>> Raid DVR and 2 separate inside cheap wireless IP/PTZ's. All of these
>> iPad and iPhone apps so I can see them from anywhere also. They do a
>> job. I have a little 7" monitor to watch them all on here in the shack
>> beside me and also my 32" on the wall above me too if I care to. The DVR
>> has multiple ports. Back to towersÅ .. :)
>> 73 Dave n4zkf
>> e-mail: n4zkf@n4zkf.com
>> web: http://www.n4zkf.com
>> AR-Cluster node: 145.05 Mhz. or telnet://dxc.n4zkf.com:23
>> CC-Cluster node: 145.07 Mhz. or telnet://ccc.n4zkf.com:7373
>> Packet BBS: 145.05 Mhz.-14.098 Mhz. or telnet://bbs.n4zkf.com:6300
>> BPQ Node: 145.05 Mhz.-14.098 Mhz. (n4zkf-5)
>> SEDAN Node: 145.770 Mhz. (n4zkf-7)
>> N4ZKF/R 147.375 Mhz. Tone 103.5
>> On 5/8/12 11:40 PM, "Steve K7AWB" <k7awbgoog@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>2 questions:
>>>1) How do you clean the camera lens?
>>>2) How do you prevent yellow jackets, etc. from building a nest on it?
>>>Steve Sala
>>>Nine Mile Falls, WA
>>>468 ARRL approved 6-meter grids confirmed
>>>294 ARRL approved DXCC entities confirmed
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