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Re: [TowerTalk] Crankup Tower for DB-36

To: towertalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crankup Tower for DB-36
From: Jim Hoge <>
Reply-to: Jim Hoge <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:15:04 -0800 (PST)
List-post: <">>

My experience was with a Triex LM-470 and a Tennadyne T-12 lpda antenna. While 
it's not the same weight or exposure it did enlighten me to one drawback of a 
crankup. Tower sections clanked as the wind spun the antenna and the tower 
sections back and forth. It wasn't noticable when the tower was retracted but 
boy did it make its presence known when it was up and it was windy. It didn't 
take a lot of wind, certainly not to the point I would have considered lowering 
the tower for safety.

Be aware too of the topload weight capacity of the towers. Do not forget to add 
in the weight of the rotor, control cable, mast, antenna, tilt plate, coax, and 

Finally, notice that the specs you listed are for differing windspeeds. It's 
like comparing apples to oranges. Use the same specs or have an analysis run to 
make comparisons.

gl es 73,

Jim W5QM


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