Why is 2" separation a problem?
There are numerous commercial Tri-band 6-2-70cm yagis that share the same
boom....0" separation.
It is all about tuning. Plug-and-play....."out-of-the box" commercial Yagis
closely spaced might not perform as expected, but with proper modeling and
tuning, it can be done.
de steve ve6wz
> I wonder about the interaction.
> I donĀ“t think a VHF contester would install his antennas for 6m,2m and
> 70cm
> with only 2" separation
> 73
> Peter, DJ7WW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces@contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Thomson
> So he has 25`feet of unsupported tower above the top ring. A 2-el 80m
> yagi
> is at the very top of the tower. 4-el 40m yagi
> below that..and a 5-el 20m yagi below that..all in that 25 foot
> unsupported section
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