On 5/14/2011 1:23 PM, David Gilbert wrote:
> Yup. Nostalgia has a way of derailing objectivity.
Don't it though...Remember that old saying, "The older I get the better
I was", now if I could just remember what it was.
> Some hams seem to
> think that the best antennas, the best ops, and the best rigs are those
> that came into being right around the time they got their first ticket
I'm afraid I can't say that. I can't say I've seen a steady progression,
but overall the performance of rigs in general has been getting better
and better and they are far better now than when I was first licensed.
The rigs with sweep tube amps had some pretty poor IM and even top of
the line rigs weren't all that great. Even the Collins rigs weren't all
that great compared to many of today's top end rigs when looking at
dynamic range and IM products...The band switch in the 30-S1 left a lot
to be desired too. As I've said before, sure I'd like to have another
S-line and KWM-2 for nostalgia's sake, but I have no illusions of them
being better. OTOH most any night you will find hams on the air
extolling the virtues of the old Collins and Hallicrafters compared to
today's rigs with that air of superiority that makes you want to switch
I will admit some of today's rigs I hear sound terrible, but that's to
be expected when you give the operator so much control over so many
parameters and particularly so with SDRs.
What I don't understand is listening to hams in a QSO telling one of the
group how great their rig sounds when it really sounds like....well...
pretty bad. <:-))
> ... back when they were still willing to learn and investigate.
Welll...I've known a few who always owned the best rig available, drove
the best car, etc...whether they were or not.
> Thankfully, almost by definition most of the folks who subscribe to a
> reflector like this don't fall into that category but there are clearly
> some exceptions.
There are always exceptions<:-))
Roger (K8RI)
> 73,
> Dave AB7E
> On 5/13/2011 3:32 PM, Rich NU6T wrote:
>> If I understand the stories I read, all the most effective antennas were
>> designed and built in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Later antennas
>> just can't compare<grin>.
>> Rich
>> NU6T
>> (Ham since the decline of SS 23).
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