On 4/2/2011 John Crovelli wrote:
> UNNECESSARILY IN HARMS WAY (CAPS used for emphasis).
Heck - THINK twice even when doing 'easy' things
Back in college, I was helping string an 80m dipole - dead simple job, we were
setting it on a slope, and everything was on flat roofs, with parapet walls,
and walk out doors
Drilled the parapets for the anchors for the ends of the antenna, hooked
everything up, and was pulling the antenna up. What I did wrong (totally MY
fault) is that I didn't see a nasty burr in the turnbuckle eye, and I didn't
have an eyeloop inside the fixed end of the turnbuckle. The cable parted,
and even without the antenna being fully tight, there was oh, 30/40 lbs of pull
on the rope - that turnbuckle came up and hit me in the mouth (luckily it
wasn't the EYES - but yes, I was wearing safety glasses). I ended up spitting
out the fragments of two teeth
It's always stupid stuff, stuff you don't double and triple check
Right now, I'm talking with John about a small job at my shack - and when John
said "I don't like roofs" I told him I don't blame him, and said "That's fine,
I'll bring in a manlift" The few $$$ is a LOT cheaper than any insurance
claims, and never mind that, on MY conscience
Frankly, it seems like as hams, we tend to cut a lot of corners. Yes, you can
get away with it, 99% of the time, but when something goes wrong, they can go
really wrong
There is a reason the pros do things the way they do, where they have the
budget. Personally, I'd rather live with a smaller antenna setup, and save up
till I can afford to do it RIGHT. I may not have as big a signal as I could
because of it, but I get to sleep at night
73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)
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