I've spent some time going through the archives, but most of my searches tend
to return 4 figures of results. If anyone could help me narrow that down, it
would be appreciated.
I'm preparing an application for a zoning variance to erect a tower at the
house we'll be moving to later this year. It's in a rural, very small town in
the Adirondack mountains of NY. There are no other hams with towers in the
town. Things might get "interesting" as in addition to the town zoning board
there is a regional agency (the Adirondack Park Agency) that acts as a land use
overlord for the park. In theory, their jurisdiction does not extend to
"residential radio and television" antennas, but details like jurisdiction are
mere curiousities to a New York bureaucrat.
I want to be as big a gun as possible with a roughly 75' self supporting tower
on 20 meters and up. Bands of greatest interest are 20, 17 and 15.
My questions, as brief as possible:
1. I've "budgeted" 15 sf of antenna wind load. The tower would be cranked down
when not in use. For setback reasons, the boom can't be longer than 40' to
avoid overhanging the neighboring property. I might also put 2m and 6m
antennas on the mast, but I'm not a major VHF operator. I don't need specific
recommendations yet, I just need to know if that is a reasonable budget for the
antennas? For obvious reasons, I don't want to get a variance for a tower that
won't safely support what I want to put on it.
2. I've been thinking in terms of a US Tower TX-472 or HDX-572 with the
motorized crank up/down. The HDX might be stretching the budget. Are there
others I should look at?
3. On the foundation plan for the US tower TX-472, the parts list shows you
need 10 #3 bars as ties, yet it looks like you need about 10x that amount from
the drawing. What am I missing here?
Many thanks,
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