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Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Guy Anchor

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Guy Anchor
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 23:32:42 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 9/22/2010 10:40 PM, Dave Hachadorian wrote:
> Go here:
As Dave has listed, the ROHN book gives all the information needed to 
properly set the guy anchors.
> Download brochure.
> Standard anchor designs are all in there for various heights
> and windspeeds.
> Raised anchors are another matter, and require either
> professional engineering, or brute force overkill.
And more than a little luck even with a thorough soil analysis.

End up with a much wetter season than normal and clay will flow allowing 
the whole works to move.
Other soils also change viscosities and texture which can adversely 
affect their ability to hold the anchor, sometimes drastically
I use anchors elevated close to 10', but they are 5" heavy wall steel 
pipe, poured and rodded with each set in about 17,000# of concrete.
THEY STILL MOVE! Not much to be sure, but with 3 sets of guys, one at 
600# and two at 400# tension gives 1400# of tension about 13' above the 
center of the concrete. That is 1400X13=18,200# of rotating, or turning 
moment on that concrete block. So even though the top of the  block sets 
about a foot below the surface the over turning moment exceeds the 
weight of the anchor by over half a ton. That leaves the block dependent 
on the soil for support and resistance to the over turning moment.

Two  of those posts ARE MOVING!  In nearly 10 years it's only been a 
couple inches in 10' so they are likely to outlast me and any hams I 
know,  including the young ones.  But the point is they are moving and 
the mass of the concrete plus the resistance of the soil is not rock solid.
If these were typical posts set in a yard or two of concrete they would 
have to be replaced in just a few years.

If I had not had to clear a driveway the anchors would not be elevated 
and I'd use any chance to anchor them normally.

My recommendation is to never use elevated guys unless absolutely necessary.
I would like to add one other recommendation that has become apparent 
over the years as I've seen it done far too often to the point of 
expecting it and I can not emphasize it enough. Do not over guy! Do not 
use over size guys!  Just going up one size in guy line can increase the 
load on the tower base beyond safe limits.  IOW as they often say on 
here...Follow the prime directive! Do what the manual says.


Roger (K8RI)
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Mac English"<>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 7:25 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Guy Anchor
>> I have never done an installation of guy anchors by rohn
>> (GAC303). How deep does
>> the hole get dug? I assume at least 4 feet min. Would the
>> hole be a 2x2x4 hole?
>> How do I get the rod at the angle it needs to be while the
>> concrete gets poured?
>> Does the hole get dug beyond the point of where the anchor
>> exits the ground?
>> What size re-bar is needed? Is it number 7? What kind of
>> wire gets used to hold
>> the re-bar together? Do I have to build forms for the
>> concrete re-bar cage?
>> I have only ever done the installation of I-beams as
>> anchors. Those are quick
>> and dirty. I am unable to pull that installation off this
>> time. So this is what
>> I guess I will have to do unless someone could give me
>> some other suggestions. I
>> was thinking maybe some kind of steel posts in the ground
>> 5 feet deep by about
>> 24in wide in concrete. If so what size posts would I need
>> as far as diameter,
>> thickness, length etc.
>> Thank you,
>> Mac
>> KM9Z
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