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Re: [TowerTalk] Arrow customer service

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Arrow customer service
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 04:01:53 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 9/15/2010 3:15 AM, Kevin Normoyle wrote:
>    for what it's worth:
> I ordered a number of  2.4" toroids from Arrow, type 31 and 43.
> They packed  ten  to a custom foam sheet with holes cut to size the 
> toroids..with foam under and over that, then with
> cardboard sheets taped over that. And then all in a box with bubble wrap.This 
> is very good packing. The toroids don't
That is the way they come when packed in bulk.  They likely use the same 
packing when reselling 10 at a time.


Roger (K8RI)
> move  in the custom foam sheet and can't even come close to each other. This 
> might be the packing from the manufacturer.
> I didn't order ten of the type 43, and they wrapped each toroid individually 
> in bubble wrap and taped, then they were
> put into a box with layers of bubble wrap above/around/on top of that.
> All arrived fine. (US). Packing seemed perfectly fine to me. Yeah I could 
> imagine with some rough handling and bad  luck
> of the draw from the bubble wrapping guy, one could crack.
> But I really can't imagine anyone complaining about the packaging.
> If you're really worried about it, you might get the better packing if you 
> order multiples of 10 (for 2.4")
> -kevin
> ad6z
> -
> On 9/14/2010 11:18 PM, Timothy Coker wrote:
>> The way I am reading this is that Jorge was quoting Arrow's statement saying
>> that the customer service rep at Arrow was pointing the finger at themselves
>> and credited Jorge's credit card for the bad toroid.
>> It appears that Jorge is happy with Arrow's customer service.
>> Tim, N6WIN.
>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:07 AM,<>   wrote:
>>> If the box is in good shape, the damage probably occurred due to POOR
>>> packaging INSIDE the box.
>>> That is quite obvious!
>>> 73
>>> Don
>>> N8DE
>>> Quoting Jorge Diez - CX6VM<>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I wanted to share my experience with I not have any
>>> relation
>>>> with this company, and this was my second purchase there in some years.
>>>> I bought four big toroids some days ago. Finally I received them at my
>>> QTH
>>>> in Uruguay, and one of the was broken..!
>>>> I asked them if there´s any shipment insurance and they asked me to send
>>>> photos of the box I received. Fortunatelly I took some photos of the box
>>> and
>>>> the torids, so I sent them by email.
>>>> They determined that “Since the inner box appears to be in perfect
>>> condition
>>>> the damage may have resulted from handling in my warehouse”
>>>> And they debit my credit card. All of this in a few hours.
>>>> Really they own a new customer. If you are sure you are receiving a great
>>>> service, you don´t care about $0,50 or $1 in a toroid price.!
>>>> 73,
>>>> Jorge
>>>> CX6VM/CW5W
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