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[TowerTalk] Replacing RG-213 and Rotor Cable

To: TowerTalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Replacing RG-213 and Rotor Cable
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 14:29:49 -0600
List-post: <">>
Hello All:
Thanks for all of the responses. If it was good, I would keep too!  But 
unfortunately, it is not. The jackets on the side facing the East Wind are 
beginning to show signs of cracking. We have cold winters and lots of wind 
where I live. And it takes it's toll on the wire. So I replace it about every 
ten years or so to avoid doing it when it gets cold... So, with that said, I 
see many store brands out there, but not the Brands that I have used in passed 
years. What are the best brands being sold today and who sales them?   
Thanks in advance for your response.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 23:50:44 -0600
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Replacing RG-213 and Rotor Cable
> Hello All:
> I need to change the RG-213 coax to my HyGain TH-5 MkII and the Rotor Cable 
> to my HyGain T2X. The run is about 100 feet for each. The coax and rotor 
> cable were put up new in 1999. I figure that they are probably in need of 
> replacement by now. 
> What are the best brands today and who sells them? 
> Thanks in advance for your response.
> 73, Mark K7HPH
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