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Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: CC&R's

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: CC&R's
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:53:01 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 8/17/2010 12:49 PM, Joseph or Ruth Patrick wrote:
> I would say if your a ham looking to purchase property and thinking of putting
> up some kind of size able antenna then stay away from HOA'S,CC&RS,DEED
> RESTRICTIONS,P&Z CODES and anything else that even smells like a problem. It's
> hard enough getting thru the permitting process. You don't need anymore 
> serious
> problems. An HOA can be a real nightmare and make getting a building permit 
> seem
> easy. Sadly there are not many properties without some kind of restrictions. I
> would stop in and meet with the Building official and get his opinion (in
> writing,good luck with that). Stop P&Z while your there and pay them a
> visit.Bottom line as they say in real estate is LOCATION<  LOCATION, LOCATION.
> Taking to the neighbors is not a bad idea either.I would say 90% of the time
> permits can be obtained. You just have to know how to do it, and every town 
> and
> city does it different. Just mt HMO.
In our Township, (Midland Country, Home Township, Michigan) Ham radio 
towers are written into the zoning. We could go to 80' although I think 
I heard it's been raised to 100' without a zoning permit and if it's not 
required they don't issue them.   When I put mine up it required a 
permit at 100'. The only requirements that had to be met were set back 
rules (if it falls it has to fall on your own property unless you have a 
wavier from your neighbor(s)) and it had to be properly engineered. They 
were quite willing to accept the engineering in the ROHN catalog.
They came out once to look at the hole with the crushed rock in the 
bottom that was ready for the pour.  They never did look at the guy 
anchor installation, nor inspect the finished  installation that I ever saw.

I have no complaints from any neighbors and the other evening when I was 
taking down the 40' Aluminum tower with the AV-640 on it and the 30' of 
25 G next to it, one neighbor and his wife came over and dug out the 
bases for me.  They said they will be back to dig the hole for the 50' 
25G as soon as I'm ready to put in the base.

BTW, I *finally* got started on the 40M3-125 today, or at least 
assembled the boom.


Roger (K8RI)
>   73 K4XZ Joe Patrick
> ________________________________
> The problem you will have is not necessary the writing but the CC&R board. 
> They
> may simple
> come and tell you to take the tower down for whatever reason. I would, myself
> stay away from anything that even smell CC&R. I have a pain in ... just now as
> it is with my little "one-horse-town" with being able to erect a tower. 
> You can check yourself,
> Hans - N2JFS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Ferguson<>
> Cc: 'Doug Ferguson'<>
> Sent: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 3:34 am
> Subject: [TowerTalk] CC&R's
> I am considering buying a piece of property which would be perfect for my 72
> ft. tower and
> a couple antennas.  However when the realtor pulled out the CC&R's, the
> following line
> was found :  "large satellite dishes and roof-mounted television antennas
> are not allowed".
> It does not specifically preclude a ham tower and antennas but I'm worried
> that someone
> could cause a problem based on the "spirit" of the line.  There is no HOA.
> This was put
> in by the original developer based on the city guidelines. 
> I'm hoping someone on the list can tell me if I could have a problem or if I
> need some lawyerly advice?
> Thanks, 73
> Doug - N7NM
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