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Re: [TowerTalk] Anyone Have (Possibly OT)

To: "Tower and HF antenna construction topics." <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Anyone Have (Possibly OT)
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Reply-to: "Tower and HF antenna construction topics." <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 02:02:58 -0500
List-post: <">>
Perry - K4PWO wrote:
> If the antenna is like I think, he's looking for the white fiberglass 
> "radome"
It's a simple, light weight (probably two ply) tube with some kind of 
white paint. Probably epoxy.  5 years in the sun and you can't get near 
one without getting covered with a white dust, at least that happens 
with both the Comet and Diamond colinears.  I have two side mounted on 
the 45G and one mounted just above the eves on the North side of the shop.


Roger (K8RI)
>  that goes over the guts of the antenna.  The fiberglass is in three 
> sections with chrome threaded couplers about every 6 feet.
I believe it was Comet that used plastic couplers while Diamond used the 
chrome plated ones. I have both types up here.
>   The antenna is 
> actually 10 gauge or so hard drawn copper that is inside the "radome" and 
> forms a stacked collinear array.  Jet, Diamond, etc. have nearly identical 
> models (possibly all made by the same Chinese factory).
> 73 de Perry - K4PWO
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Bob Moore" <>
> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 16:07 PM
> To: "'Tower and HF antenna construction topics.'" <>
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Anyone Have (Possibly OT)
>> Give Amy at PDM Steel a call, give her the dimensions you need and they 
>> may
>> be able to help you out, of course you would have to pay, but might be 
>> less
>> than getting a new one.  They do carry aluminum products. Also, if common
>> dimensions you might be able to make your own section.  If it was me, that
>> is what I would do, get something fairly close and attempt to improvise.
>> Good luck...........Bob,  K6NV
>> Bob Moore
>> SNOWFIRE Consulting
>> 10057 Wycliffe Ln.
>> Truckee, CA  96161
>> (530)575-5766
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Joe
>> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:58 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Anyone Have (Possibly OT)
>> Not a tower related request...but....perhaps someone here can help....
>> Last week, a micro burst of wind here in Reno, snapped my Tram 1481 
>> antenna just above the first joint.
>> (The Tram 1481 is the 17 foot, 3 section, dual band antenna that sports a
>> gain of 8.3 VHF and 11.something UHF...Here in Reno, it is a great antenna
>> for working mountainous terrain!)
>> As it is a Chinese made antenna, there are no parts distributors, even
>> though the same antenna is sold under various brands.
>> So, anyone here have a Tram 1481 that has failed in other areas or that 
>> has
>> been replaced that I might snag that middle section?
>> Gotta say I was disappointed in the only lasted 5 years under
>> severe conditions....I don't think it 'saw' 90 mph winds more than 50 
>> times
>> in its life....GAH!
>> I know I can buy a replacement, but  would really like to try and get this
>> one going 'fix it, don't junk it' mentality is showing....
>> My email is above....I am in Reno, great is someone can help.
>> Many thanks in advance!
>> Joe Wolfe
>> Reno, Nevada
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