Just a little heads up... M2 is currently designing a new Log Periodic
antenna with a couple of more elements (10 elements possibly) and a
little longer boom, to go along with their new "Light Duty" series
antennas. You can read about the new LD 20-meter antenna here...
This antenna will have a couple of more elements giving a little more
performance, but not be as heavy as the 100MPH version. This antenna is
going to be perfect here in Southern CA where we don't see the big winds
(where I live at least). If you have big winds, buy accordingly!
I have my order in for prototype #1 and have been talking to M2 for over
a year about this. I'm hoping it will be ready by their March Open
House, or Visalia at the latest!
The LOG is not for everyone, but as I was told by an antenna expert, "A
LOG at 75' backed with a kilowatt won't come in second very often!"
Don't underestimate a LPDA when looking for a multiband antenna on one
Dino - KX6D
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [TowerTalk] WTB: Large HF Log Periodic
From: "Alan Fryer" <N3BJ@cox.net>
Date: Mon, January 25, 2010 7:24 am
To: "Tower and HF antenna construction topics."
Want to see what might be out there, before ordering.
Looking for a large HF log antenna, 30 FT boom or longer, preferably
including 30m, perhaps 40M. Something on the order of a M2 7&10-30 LP8
or a
large Tennadyne or maybe an older antenna, not sure what all was made by
HyGain, KLM, etc. over the years.
Please let me know what you may have that is surplus to your needs.
Willing to drive a signifigant distance from Roanoke, VA to pick it up.
Alan, N3BJ
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