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Re: [TowerTalk] HDR3-00 on the AS455G shelf?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HDR3-00 on the AS455G shelf?
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 00:29:01 -0500
List-post: <">> wrote:
> Thanks for the info, John.
> My problem is starting torque for the SteppIr with 40 M dipole mod.  he T2X 
> worked FB on the TH6DXX but now the existing rotor seems to be very fussy 
> about the alignment from the rotor thru the TB3 at the top plate.  In some 
> directions, the beam will just not turn.  I have to be sure to NOT leave it 
> in that position or I will make a trip up to assist while the XYL uses the 
> control box.  I think the imbalance is also part of the issue and adjusting 
> the shelf to adjust the alignment is not working out.
> So, I either somehow fix the alignment, if that is really what is the 
> problem, or get more starting torque.  I will review the HDR specs to ensure 
> it is indeed 

Although the specs for the HDR series should show higher than the T2X, I 
am not a fan of either as they use spur gears and can be turned by hand 
with the brake off.  It's too easy for the HDR to wind mill past the 
stops with the break off on a windy day.   Although the system here is 
not small it shouldn't present an undue torque load, but on a windy day 
when it was gusting to about thirty I released the brake so I could turn 
the antennas.  They thing spun around so fast I thought the meter had a 
short. Of course it took it past the limit switches and the rotator had 
to be repositioned which I found unacceptable.  I had a second HDR that 
I put in and again on a windy day, I was turning the antenna. This time 
it stripped the gears. I used a ham IV or V just to hold the antennas 
until a good rotator could be installed.  It broke!

Any more, I'd not use anything other than a dual worm gear drive rotator 
on anything larger than a medium size tribander. 

Other's will swear by the ham series and HDRs, but for that much money 
I'd go with an Alpha Spid, or one of the others.  I like the "Big Boy" 
rotators such as the PST61 and 71, but they are *expensive" compared to 
the others. OTOH they are well built and strong.
> better.  I do not think this SteppIR is a test for the HDR300 since the yagi 
> is modest and I am not dealing with big-time winds.  Was it the key or the 
> keyway?
> Thanks for the words.
My main dislike for the HDR is the limit switch stops, instead of hard 
stops and the pain in the backside to realign it if it does get past the 
stops. It's far more than adequate in strength for the largest 
tribanders you'll find out there.


Roger (K8RI)
> Al
> N6TA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: 
> To:
> Cc: al n6ta 
> Sent: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 14:05:59 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HDR3-00 on the AS455G shelf? 
> About two decades ago I had two Hy-Gain HDR-300 rotators and I don't recall 
> any bolt hole issues, however I do recall a lot of problems.  The biggest 
> issue was with the keyway on the shaft wearing out and needing yearly 
> replacement.  If the T2X is not up to your task, I doubt that the HDR-300 
> will be.  
> John KK9A
> To:  TowerTalk 
> Subject:  [TowerTalk] HDR3-00 on the AS455G shelf? 
> From: 
> Date:  Tue, 10 Nov 2009 05:25:10 +0000 (UTC) 
> My T2X is not quite up to the task anymore so I thought I might replace it 
> with 
> an old HDR-300 that I have had in storage for 25 years.  Anyone know if it 
> will 
> fit the AS455G accessory shelf that suports the T2X currently?  If it will 
> fit, 
> does anyone hae a guide as to where to poke the new holes for the 300?  I 
> just 
> cannot find a dimensioned drawing for the shelf.
> Thanks, all!
> Al
> N6TA
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