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Re: [TowerTalk] something new today

To: Gregg Seidl <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] something new today
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 02:40:05 -0400
List-post: <">>
Gregg Seidl wrote:
> I did some tower work here today with a man-lift. I had a cousin who had his 
> own crane but he sold out so I didn't have a way to do tower work.
>  With all the wind we had here part of my XM-240 broke and I didn't want to 
> take it down and then put it back up. I called Fabco and the sales guy was 
> helpful and knew what I wanted and what I needed. He hooked me up with a 
> S-125 by Genie. Other then a steep learning curve that is the BEST way to do 
> tower work.
> Boy is that slick,just boom up do your work and boom down move and do it 
> again. The thing does sway pretty good but you get used to its movements. It 
> won't let you do something stupid. Will use this things a lot for my 
> antenna/tower work.
Yah, but working at 90' and above feels like you're standing on a wet 
noodle, particularly with the boom nearly straight up.<:-))


Roger (K8RI)
>   Gregg  K9KL 
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