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Re: [TowerTalk] As long as the antenna gurus are out...

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] As long as the antenna gurus are out...
From: TGundo 2003 <>
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 12:16:47 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, TGundo 2003 <> wrote:

From: TGundo 2003 <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] As long as the antenna gurus are out...
Cc: "no To-header on input" <>
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 2:12 PM

Thank you all who responded so far! As I exepected, many different responses so 
far, no single clearcut winner...

Answers to some of the questions asked of me:

The back yard is a retangle, 300ft ish long north to south by 150ft ish east to 
west. There are trees available in just about every corner, but the ones to the 
north would get the line up only 30-35 ft. On the south end the trees are 50+ 
easy, with a couple of 80-90ft pines too. There are a couple shorter trees in 
the middle as well.

I'd really like to do 20-160m. I have a good vertical for 10-17. Main focus on 
40, 80, & 160. For right now I am more intrested in local and lower 48. This is 
just the start, some day there will be towers, but right now the wire is what I 

I am a casual contester, will work one for a few hours just for the joy of 
making contacts. More
 often I like to ragchew with the locals & be ready for any emergency. Of 
course, I havent had a lowband station at the house in 5 years, been focusing 
on UHF repeater work. Having the lowband station again may change what i get 

So, with the space I described above, the requirements mentioned, a couple of 
550+ chunks of #9 copperweld, and my labor. What would you do?



--- On Sat, 8/8/09, Michael Tope <> wrote:

From: Michael Tope <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] As long as the antenna gurus are out...
To: "W9SRV" <>
Cc: "no To-header on input" <>
Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 2:09 PM

W9SRV wrote:

>This is a little
>I have asked this to many hams and have got many opinions.
>I have a 3 acre plot, with a little over 1.5 acres available for wire 
>antennas, so space is not an issue. It's mostly open field with a few trees, 
>surrounded by farmfields. I also just picked up a couple of 400-500 ft chunks 
>of #9 copper clad off some old telephone poles.
>Given these items, what would you build for an HF antenna?


I would help if you could define your requirements better - i.e.  are 
you wanting to do DX, contesting, or causual ragchewing? Are you more 
interested in lowbands? All HF bands? Also, what kind of vertical 
supports are available (how high and how far apart)?

Mike, W4EF..............


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