Many moons ago, while living in Central Illinois, I mounted a Hustler 5BTV
vertical on a 4' pipe on the point of a medium sized pond... with NO radials
no ground rods. The simple vertical without radials worked very well and
usually always beat the yagi whenever the yagi was aimed 90 degrees or more off
of the target station... and occassionally the vertical was better even when
the yagi was aimed dead on. I imagine it helped that the water table was high
and only down 18-24". Also, it was a farm pond so no telling what all was in
I've operated from numerous QTH's across the US and firmly believe that both
fresh water and salt water enhance a verticals radiation efficiency better
than antenna modeling programs predict.
If you have a pond... I'd sure compliment it with a nice vertical!
Dick- K9OM
In a message dated 3/18/09 12:38:57 AM Atlantic Standard Time, writes:
> we have a pond here and talk about minerals, if you take your handy dandy
> mineral test kit out you'd be very surprised what is in there, its a
> constant fight to keep the water just right for our koi. But this has given
> me a great idea, I'll try a vertical from the middle of the pond. We are
> having it completely rebuilt and it will be much larger...maybe I should lay
> some radials under it and out from its sides...
> ne6v
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