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Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering 66-Foot Vertical?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering 66-Foot Vertical?
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 03:43:29 -0400
List-post: <">>
> There's a certain non-zero time involved in that finding out what 
> diameters are available, figuring out what to get, etc. (unless you 
> have a cookbook list from the ARRL handbook or an article that you can 
> just send them for a quote)
For the quote and you will be charged for the time most likely..."I need 
enough 6 or 8' sections of Alunimum tube  to build a 66' long pole. the 
sections need to easily telescope, but can be clamped using 3" slotted 
ends. I can start with anything from 2 to 2 1/2 or 3". the sections 
should have a 1'. What do I need?  If need be I can take standard 
lengths, cut them and use the excess"  I was told they charge by the 
foot whether I use a full length or they cut it to length when I needed 
some a few years back, which was a surprise.

"I think" which means I don't know for sure, that "standard lengths" are 
6', 8', 10' and 12'

That is what I'd give to the Aluminum shop in Saginaw.  True I could 
take any list of 6061 tubing and figure out what I need but the shop 
could do it in 10% of the time and for very little charge.
>> You can't drive a car for less than 50 cents a mile unless it's old 
>> AND paid for.  People make the mistake of thinking it's only the cost 
>> of gas when driving. That was with gas cheaper than we have now, but 
>> what we have now isn't going to stay cheap. At-any-rate, it'd cost me 
>> a minimum of $20 to drive my old car to Saginaw and back so maybe I'd 
>> get enough to build three or four and take a couple hams with me.
> There's also the cutting and/or delivery fees at the supplier. Some 
> are more interested in over the counter small sales than others.
True. The one in Saginaw was quite interested in helping out a couple 
years back. OTOH I was sent over by one of their very good customers.


Roger (K8RI)

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