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[TowerTalk] Interaction Between Vertical and Yagi

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Interaction Between Vertical and Yagi
From: "Larry & Karen" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 12:32:33 -0600
List-post: <">>
Hmmm....divorce can be expensive...any kids?

Seriously, I'm fortunate that my wife is an electrical engineer and understands 
such things. When I was planning my 55' crank up she really didn't want it 
where I had chosen but our acre lot is an old pasture and quite hilly so 
reasonably flat ground is hard to come by. I didnt' want to go with guy wires 
because of all the hassle involved due to the terrain and having to always cut 
around them, etc. After a couple other hams came over, totally independent of 
one another, and I put the question to them......they chose the exact same spot 
with no clue as to where I was considering locating the tower. Well, there it 
is. After it was up I asked my neighbor across the street what he thought of 
it....his reaction....."I think it's pretty cool." Beauty is in the eye of the 

No matter what you do, if it involves a revision to the original design of the 
Hy Tower, something is going to suffer, maybe not that bad, but looking at the 
suggestions made so far, I'd say it's a heck of a lot of unnecessary work.

Good luck and if you need an attorney, I can fix you up, been there....done 

Whatever you do...good luck.

Larry  K0IS

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