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Re: [TowerTalk] "Sluggo" Ground Rod driver

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] "Sluggo" Ground Rod driver
From: John Elsik <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:04:54 -0600
List-post: <">>
I got a quote from Hilti for the 5/8" driver.  I can not find it at the moment. 
If I remember correctly it was around $80.
I rented a Hilti hammer drill and the adaptor for a little over $60.  The trip 
to the rental place and back took longer than it did to drive 30 ground rods.  
If I had to install ground rods more than once or twice, I would buy the 
adaptor.  You can always rent the drill, but not always find the driver.
John wa5zup
> From:> To:> Date: Fri, 17 Oct 
> 2008 09:46:45 -0500> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] "Sluggo" Ground Rod driver> > > 
> Rich didn't say they did, but just to be clear..... The ground rod driver> 
> bit shown in the link will NOT fit the Harbor Freight hammer drills. I have> 
> yet to be able to find one that would. The Harbor Freight drills use SDS> 
> (not SDS Max) bits. What I ended up doing was taking one of the fat concrete> 
> chipper bits that came with the hammer drill and cutting off the tip with an> 
> angle grinder. I then slipped a piece of heater hose over the bit, extending> 
> it about 4 inches beyond the end of the tip, and held it in place with a> 
> hose clamp. The heater hose does a fair job of keeping the ground rod from> 
> slipping off the modified hammer drill bit. This setup is not as elegant as> 
> a commercial bit, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than the SDS Max bits,> 
> which don't fit the drill anyway. > > Larry K5RK> > > -----Original Messag
 e-----> From:> 
[] On Behalf Of Rich Hallman - N7TR> 
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 9:30 AM> To:> Subject: 
Re: [TowerTalk] "Sluggo" Ground Rod driver> > The link below is just one of 
several commercial adapters for ground rod to> Hammer drill connection. These 
are on ebay as well.> >> 
trk=frgl> > > -----Original Message-----> From:> [] On 
Behalf Of Tom Anderson> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:39 AM> To: Roger 
(K8RI); Richards> Cc:; RICHARD SOLOMON> Subject: Re: 
[TowerTalk] "Sluggo" Ground Rod driver> > If you want a 1" hammer drill, check 
with Harbor Freight on line or your> local store. They often have them for 
around $69.00 on sale or with an> online coupon. To get the online coupon you 
have to sign up (at lea
 st I> did) for their online weekly ads. Then you need a special bit where the 
rod> will slip inside the bit to "drive" it properly. Haven't seen the bit at> 
Harbor Freight, but they are available.> > Tom, WW5L> > > > > --- On Fri, 
10/17/08, Richards <> wrote:> > > From: Richards 
<>> > Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] "Sluggo" Ground Rod driver> 
> To: "Roger (K8RI)" <>> > Cc:, "RICHARD SOLOMON" <>> > Date: Friday, 
October 17, 2008, 6:59 AM Amen, Bruddah!> > That is what I have used... you can 
get a light weight one at Lowes > > Home Depot Shack or the like foir about 
$15, but I rented a really > > heavy one for an hour once to pound in five rods 
at my QTH.> > Just picking it up and letting it fall was real work, but they 
all > > went in quickly enough.> > > > I am liking the hammer drill idea this 
year...> > > > ================== K8JHR ===================> > > > Roger (K8RI) 
wrote:> >
  > > > > You are describing the basic "fence post> > driver" used on farms> > 
> > One of> > > those will give you shoulders and arms like a body> > 
builder<:-))> >> 
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