Greetings Jorge,
Good practical info is available on W8JI's
I try to not repeat the info you have been reading in those good
publications. So in summary what you should do is bond the coax
shields at the top and bottom of the tower to the tower, and of
course the tower is grounded. Then do the same where the cables
enter the house. Tom does not use lightning arrestors
(Polyphasers). The tower ground and all other grounds need to be
bonded together (include the telephone, cable tv, POWER !!!!). This
should keep surges outside your house.
Then at your shack, each piece of equipment should be connected to a
point called a single point ground (SGP). The SGP is also the point
where you can install surge suppressors for coax cables. The SGP
should then be connected to a good earth ground as close as
possible. And guess what? THAT ground rod has to be connected to
the other one. It would be nice if your ham shack was close to where
all your cables enter the house. Then the SGP ground and the
entrance ground (along with the electrical power, tc, etc) can all be
one and the same.
Maybe I will email you a photo of my SGP (and any other readers who
merely send me a one liner and ask for it). It will help to see
something real.
Rick K2XT
Do more with your photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery.
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John Bohnovic
(352) 463-1822 house
(352) 284-8593 cell
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