On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 23:37:45 -0500, "Norm Duxbury"
<duxburyn@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>There is no apparent interaction, Craig. If you feed your quad at the top
>or bottom it's horizontally polarized. Your tower is vertical. No
>interaction. Now, if you feed your quad at the side, that may be a problem.
>But, I've never done that, so I can't say for sure.
>73, Norm - W1MO
------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
I agree with Norm. I had a Cubex four element quad up for six years, fed
at the bottom, and noticed no problems. A great antenna, by the way, but
no fun to fix when the wires start breaking. I replaced it with a yagi
which has a bit less gain gut does the job and should be
maintenance-free, I hope.
If you go with the quad, use copperweld wire for longevity. Mine was
just tinned copper.
73, Bill W6WRT
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