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Re: [TowerTalk] Safe Climbing was Re: Roswell Tower Accident

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Safe Climbing was Re: Roswell Tower Accident
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:14:11 -0400
List-post: <>

> From:> To:; 
>;> >Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 
> 01:26:10 -0700> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Safe Climbing was Re: Roswell 
> Tower >Accident>  On another note  I can't find it, but it was a article 
> with graphs  on fatal tower rigging/erection accidents. it's >one fact 
> that stuck with me was that a alarming majority of human Error accidents 
> occurred not on ascending or >working in position  but while  Desending ! 
> IMHO where your tired, thirsty, and want to get the day done.

One of the points I've talked about at club meetings and to people just 
asking about climbing is probably the most dangerous part for the "casual 
climber" is staying up until you are too tired to climb down safely.

I think most "casual" climbers stay "up there" until they are tired, not 
realizing how much work they have left. This is as true on a 40' tower as it 
is on a 200 footer. That and has been mentioned before, tower climbing is 
for those who are "in shape", not for the overweight ham whos only exercise 
is walking out to get the mail.

Due to a health issue I was unable to climb for quite a while. I started 
weight training before I could walk without a cane. Working out and in 
physical therapy three times a week I made it up to 300# repetitive on a leg 
press. I was spending a half hour or more on a bicycle to build up 
endurance. Once my balance on my left leg was back I started making short 
climbs (with the blessings of my neurologist) to 30 or 40 feet. Just up and 
down. Those short climbs (with all of my safety equipment including a full 
body harness) were the best exercise I did.  After nearly 7 months when the 
strenght, balance and endurance were back to where I could safely climb I 
still made two climbs to the top just to "inspect things" before actually 
going up to work. In addition to "inspecting" those climbs were to inspect 
my self as well. Only after all of that did I do a climb to actually work 
and even then I only stayed up an hour.

BTW I always have some one on the ground when "I go up".


Roger (K8RI)


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