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Re: [TowerTalk] 2 more hazer questions

To: "Randall Mullinax" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 2 more hazer questions
From: "Rick Karlquist" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 11:02:18 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <>
Randall Mullinax wrote:
> Thanks for all the information about your Hazers.  I have a couple of more
> questions.
> Does anyone with a aluminum Hazer wish they'd gotten the heavy duty steel
> one?
> What size angle is used in the frame, i.e. 1" angle, 1 1/4 " angle, etc.
> Thanks again.
> 73 Randy

I'll chime in again.  The aluminum Hazer is made out of extremely
light weight material.  It seems flimsy when assembling it, but
is fairly rigid when all together because of the inherent rigidity
of a box lattice structure.  I am holding up a 4 element SteppIR
and AlfaSpid, so I can't complain.  Having said that, the ultralight
weight of the Al Hazer is wasted in my case because of the heavy
antenna.  With the cost of aluminum these days, the steel version
should be cheaper.  Put a good pulley at the top and the increased
weight is not an issue.  Actually, more weight helps keep it from
getting stuck :-)

Rick N6RK


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