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Re: [TowerTalk] critters and cables

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] critters and cables
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 20:49:12 -0400
List-post: <>

>I have never heard why flooded cables are better,and why critters don't 
> to chew on them as much.I'm fairly certain they chew on other cables 
> because
> of the diet they eat.Missing something,most likely salt.Our cows love to
> lick the milk hoses because we pre-dip them with iodine which has salt in
> it.Funny humans get too much salt and most animals are short.The best way
> I've found to get rid of them is a 17 caliber right between the eyes and
> then if you can stand it leave the critter there a few days.Seems to make
> the others "go away".     Gregg  K9KL   ps when you hit woodchucks or that
> size critters with the 17 they can do acrobats  as they fly thru the 
> air??!!

I'm assuming that 17 is not a pellet rifle?

Flying Woodchucks? Around here they run around 12 to 20#. It'd take 
something much larger than a 17, but my 45 or ought six are a tad noisy for 
the subdivision.  17 works right well on Chipmunks without waking the entire 

One Woodchuck can make a yard look like a backhoe had run amuck. They leave 
a hole large enough for a small dog. Chipmunks leave small holes, but they 
sure can move a lot of dirt. Chipmunks got into our egress window well and 
decided to build a colony behind the timbers.They were destroying the window 
well.  They are fast, but stupid.  My cat who is fast couldn't catch them, 
but he discovered like in the cartoon, he only had to lay there until one 
would run into him which resulted in one very well fed cat.  The window well 
has reverted to looking like a window well instead of a well used sand box 
at the school playground.

Roger (K8RI)
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