On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:39:15 -0700 (PDT), "Rick Karlquist"
<richard@karlquist.com> wrote:
>Answer: guns :-)
>All the recent discussion on rebar came to mind yesterday while
>I was watching a show on the History Channel about what happens
>to guns confiscated by the police. It turns out that the LA police
>take seized guns no longer needed for legal purposes and send
>them by the truckload to a nearby foundry. There they go into
>an arc furnace where they are melted down, and after a series of
>steps explained on the TV show, eventually emerge as REBAR.
>The TV show has the foundry owner proudly listing some of the
>famous structures that are rebarred courtesy of his foundry,
>and the LA police. I guess the specification on rebar must
>go something like: mostly iron, with some other stuff. Kind of
>like sausage; don't ask too many questions.
------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
The quantity of guns melted down vs the quantity of rebar produced
annually would suggest that gun metal is a very small percentage.
It was a good program, however.
Bill W6WRT
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