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Re: [TowerTalk] Stadiums as Tower/Contest Locations

To: <>, "'Pat Barthelow'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Stadiums as Tower/Contest Locations
From: "Bill Parry" <BPARRY@RGV.RR.COM>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 16:18:14 -0500
List-post: <>
When I have organized field day stations, I have always tried to use a
football stadium. They really fit the bill. My first effort was from the
press box at Kyle Field at Texas A&M (W5AC) back in the mid 60s. The
athletic Department said it was OK with them and gave me the key. We
stretched a long wire from the top of the press box across the field (it was
probably 100' high and several hundred feet long. Worked well. The press box
was air conditioned and was real comfy. There was an elevator to get
everyone up the stairs (including the generator). We operated from that
location for a couple of years. A few years later the club did it again and
I took several of the kids from my H.S. Physics classes that I helped get
their license. (Recruiting???- no athletes involved)

We did something similar at the local football stadium (although not nearly
as large) was still real nice. Same type of long wire and air conditioned
location. No elevator this time so everything had to be hauled up the steps.
I was the principal of one of the three high schools that played in the
stadium so the Athletic Director was fine with it. I would have never
thought of asking a school board for permission.

I don't do much in the way of Field Day any more. June may be great for New
England but it is real unpleasant in deep south Texas. Very humid and
hot...good for heat strokes and mosquitoes. Maybe we should try January for
a while, it's usually real nice here about that time and emergencies happen
up north during the winter! Or maybe just have unannounced field days (like
a real emergency) and see how many stations could find out and get a station
on, much less get the keg on ice!

Bill, W5VX 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [mailto:towertalk-
>] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 2:17 PM
>To: Pat Barthelow
>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Stadiums as Tower/Contest Locations
>As a professional educator and coach, I looked into that when I was
>employed at a school that had four beautifully placed pair of light
>towers on a football field that ran from NE to SW .. ideal for a 4-el
>80m wire beam on Europe!
>My request was simply that I wished to be allowed to use the stadium
>light standards for international communications and was willing to
>sign a waiver of liability.  The "Director of Operations" was amenable
>to the idea, especially after I offered to donate a modest to the
>'athletic fund' for stadium upkeep.
>The idea was presented to the "school board" for a final decision.
>They said, "YES" .... with one requirement ... that the donation be at
>least $1,000.
>That shot me down and I operated from my home station instead.
>Quoting Pat Barthelow <>:
>> Folks:
>> A ham  friend in Argentina says on some contest weekends, the local
>> stadiums sprout towers and antennas from the local contest clubs.   I
>> thought they would be a great place to put up a tower, or to use existing
>> light standards that often approach 200 ft.  I found a  website of  the
>> Stadium Mnaagers association.   I wonder, if properly approached, stadium
>> management would allow hams/contesters to set up semi permanent, or
>> permanent towers/antennas or to use existing tall structures at the
>> for antennas and contest operations?
>> Perhaps an approach involving activiities/improvements  towards disaster
>> operatoins at the stadiums could catch interest of the Management
>> that run them...Or....maybe the answer to their "whats in it form me"
>> be very attractive, so they would wirte off any cooperative venture with
>> contester hams/ARES hams, as being too much of a liability.   Any ideas
>> could make a Stadium a viable antenna tower/contesting/hamming  QTH?
>> Sincerely, Pat Barthelow
>> Jamesburg Earth Station  Moon Bounce Team
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