w4ZW wrote:
>I've used bungee cord for some time. I put in a loose length of
>"Spectra" or "Deema" in the link that is my safety net if the bungee
>breaks. You can double up the lengths/sizes and get whatever tension
>you want. I've found the good sailing black bungee works pretty well.
>Be sure and sear the ends so they don't start unraveling. I wrap my
>ends with sailing tape as well.
Several years ago, we had a brainstorming session on this problem for my
'In Practice' column.
There were various suggestions involving weights, dual-diameter drums
etc. The wackiest idea was to have the tensioning weights disappear down
into a matched pair of ornamental wishing wells!
But the idea that actually worked was the loooong bungee cords.
73 from Ian GM3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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