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Re: [TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower
From: "Delbert Matlock" <>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:13:51 -0500
List-post: <>
From: "Jim Lux" <>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 06:53:47 -0700

> At 06:39 AM 10/4/2005, ChetMoore wrote:
> > Delbert,
> >
> > Lobby for 40 feet and then either get a C3 or its smaller brother the C3SS.
> > Spend the 20 bux and get K7LXC's tribander report to see why. Consider a
> > tubular tower if its to please the xyl.  After a few months it won't make
> > any difference to the xyl if its 30 or 40 feet but it sure will to you.
> In some jurisdictions, if you stay below 12 feet above the roofline, the 
> regulatory hassles are much fewer. If your house is 18 ft tall at the 
> roofline, then 30 ft might be a sweet spot.
> On a related note.. if you're looking for something that is very low profile 
> visually, what about something like the Spiderbeam.
> It's really a portable antenna, but it's also just wires and some cross 
> members.  Sort of like an amateur antenna version of a "Hills Hoist"


I've been looking at the Spiderbeam since its review in QST a few months ago.  
Smaller tower required but still has a mighty big wingspan.  Still, when and if 
the time comes to buy the antenna, I will be considering it.  The low 
visibility of a mostly wire antenna helps.

Regarding tower height, the top of my roof is about 20' to 22' high.  A 30' 
tower right behind the house seems about the right size to clear the structure 
but not dominate the neighborhood.  It will have to be right next to the house 
being that there are a couple of very big maple trees further back in the yard. 
 Also, it will have to be behind the house as there is only about 16' of 
clearance on the sides and I don't want the antenna hanging over the neighbors 

Still, when all is done, it will be the visual impact that I have to sell the 
wife on.  Putting it next to the back of the house will lower the impact, and 
painting might help some too, but if the antenna has a large presence the wife 
will probably veto it.  At least she has signed off on a dipole between the 

Delbert (NQ4S)

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