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[TowerTalk] My MFJ-259B annoys me.

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] My MFJ-259B annoys me.
From: "Martin Sole" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 15:35:33 +0700
List-post: <>
Well sort of, sometimes. Trying to measure a 40m antenna today that I was
been playing with couple of weeks ago and now the readings on my 259 do not
agree with what I have in my notebook from before. Worse, putting it on my
quad which is pretty flat at the bottom ends of 20 15 and 10 metres now
shows a minimum of 3:1 SWR with 1 or 2 ohms of R and about 50 ohms of X. The
SWR meter is bouncing around so I guess this means I have a large cumulative
amount of RF getting into the 259. What to do? I could buy the 731 filter
but at $90 US plus shipping plus import duty plus VAT plus (worst of all)
waiting. This seems like a non starter for the time being. Looking at the
731 filter I wonder if it just a couple of parallel tuned circuits, one in
line and one shunt to the ground side. If so should be fairly simple to
knock one up and see, any thoughts?

Martin - HS0ZED


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