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[TowerTalk] coax critters

To: "Towertalk" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] coax critters
From: "Jim Jarvis" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 20:34:22 -0000
List-post: <>

In VT, I had a regular problem, like kq2m with critters.  
Squirrels and Chippies both nibbled, leaving tiny teeth marks.

It was the critters whose jaws were 3-4" wide, leaving parallel
marks like a dull set of diags that did the most damage.  My guess
was it was mostly coyotes, with porcupines and racoons coming in 
second.  I don't think the bears bothered.  

One guy was particularly pissed at the snake... left a bunch of
pieces, each 4 or 5" long, cut all the way through.  No idea what it
was...maybe it WAS a bear....but I stopped going up on the hilltop at 
night, after finding that.  (and no, it wasn't neighbors...their cows 
used to eat my hostas and lilies, so they were particularly polite.) 

In suburban CT (KQ2M) it might be the local school board....?  :) 



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