Hi all,
I've enjoyed all the comments and thought I'd add mine.. I live on a
small city lot (70' X 120') I have a Tri-Ex LM-470D 70' motorized crankup tower
in my back yard. When I wanted to install it almost 20 years ago (Pre PRB-1),
I went to the town building inspector and told him what I wanted to do. He
asked if there were any other "Ham antenna's" in the town I could show him.
Well.. I have a neighbor who has a 90' Sky-needle with a stack of Telrex
monobanders on it.. His lot a a little bigger than mine.. When The building
looked at all the aluminum, he almost fell over.. I told him mine would be a
bit smaller than this installation.. I then pointed to a car in the driveway..
The NY license plate started with "USJ" I asked him if he knew what that
meant.. He said no.. I then told him the ham was a Federal Court Judge and if
said no, he would have to answer to the Judge.. He looked at me and said go
right ahead.. Put your tower up.. I did and have and many large antenna's over
years. I now have a Force 12 C31XR at 72' and a Force 12 706 7 element 6
meter beam 10' above. I usually leave the tower fully extended at 70' and only
lower it when the weather is bad or I'm away for an extended period, and then I
only drop it 20'
That was 19 years ago..
Last year a new neighbor come by and asks about the antenna.. I tell them
what it is and he says he hears me on his TV.. That's odd, I tell him as I have
not been active in the past 6 months.. He then tells me he's going to the town
to complain about the antenna.. I told him it was here long before you moved
in.. No one asked you to buy the house if you didn't like the antenna.. I have
heard nothing..
So.. You never know what's going to happen..
Also.. Very few crankup towers fall from the base.. From what I've seen, most
lose a section which either snaps and fold over or they collapse into them
selves. Has anyone ever had or know of a crankup falling from the base??
73 Steve/K2WE Dobbs Ferry, NY where hams are welcome if you can afford the