Well, if nobody else is going to ring in here I will... I know this is a
new publication and mebbe I am one of the first to see it....
International Radio, the INRAD folks, has at its helm George, W2VJN.
George has designed interference minimization systems for several
contest stations and I think we have all seen some of the receiver tests
he has done. He has written a book, it is a compilation of of
information entitled:
Managing Interstation Interference, coaxial stubs and filters
I recently bought a copy of the book and it is great. Yes a lot of the
stuff I had seen on the internet or various ham magazines but this is
all that in one place plus insight on interference causes, etc.
I highly recommend this book... I am in no way affiliated with Intn'l
Radio just a satisfied customer who plans on using this book as the
textbook for a major project later this Summer.
Including postage mine cost 20 bucks... there are some good tips on
tools and sources in it, too... I feel it was a well spent fin
Jim, K4OJ