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[TowerTalk] Ground Rods

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Ground Rods
From: (Didier Juges)
Date: Tue Jul 8 15:32:03 2003
I am with State Farms. I have had a few claims in the 10 years I have been with 
them (one flooding, 2 hurricanes, one lightning and not one, but 2 fires, you 
can say I am a bad case). They have been absolutely top notch. Their policy is 
full replacement value. That means buy new to replace old stuff, including 
labor. Here are a couple of examples.

1) Lightning: lighting on a tree in the yard did extensive damage in the house, 
as the tree had grown over the underground power, telephone and cable TV cables 
and that's how the energy got inside the house. Total claim: about $7,000. Part 
of that was an older Sony cassette deck I had. It was almost 20 years old, but 
it was at the time I bought it (in France when I was in college) a top of the 
line model, with 3 heads. The only 3 head Sony deck at the time of the claim 
was a $1,000 TC3KS Excellence Series. State Farms bought it without discussion. 
I would have considered myself lucky if they had given me $250 for it.

2) Hurricane: My R7 antenna was (very slightly) damaged by one of the hurricane 
(part of about $5,000 of claim at the time) due to flying debris (40m 
capacitive hat was bent). By the time the adjuster showed up, I had already 
taken the antenna down and straigtened the capacitive hat myself and put it 
back up so it looked fine, but I told the adjuster what I had done. He gave me 
2 hours of labor for that (I don't remember how much money that was, but it was 
more than fair). 

Definitely, in my dealings with them, it is certain that they cover the costs 
necessary to restore the property to the condition prior to the loss, including 
professional labor when necessary. They do not depreciate anything.

I have no vested interest in State Farms other than I would like them to stay 
in business, but I can only recommend them.



 w7xu w7xu at 
Thu Jul 3 05:35:59 EDT 2003 

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Assume your antennas and towers were destroyed by a tornado (as mine
were last week).  Would you expect your insurance company to pay only 
for the replacement costs of what you lost, or would you expect them
to also pay for the towers and antennas to be erected by a commercial
tower company?  We're talking about a lot of work (3 towers over 130 
ft., plus 2 others damaged and 44 antennas destroyed.  Negotiations
with my insurance company are in progress.


Arliss  W7XU
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