Since all of you have helped us out so much with your thoughts and input, we
decided to give the SteppIR Yahoo Group some preliminary specifications on
the new 4 element yagi, which will indeed be introduced in the May issue of
QST and CQ, as well as at Hamvention 2003:
4 elements, 32 foot boom, trussed with phillystran kevlar cable (provided)
13.8 MHz to 54 MHz continous coverage
Gain: Ranges from 9.5 dBi on 20m to 10.8 dBi on 10 meters, varying with band
changes. (subtract 2.15 dB to get dBd)
Front-to-back in what we consider our "optimal" configuration (best
combination of gain and F/B), is slightly better than the 3 element.
However, a 4 element antenna allows for some very high front to back ratios
if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of gain (0.5 - 0.7 dB). Gain can also
be accentuated by about the same amount if front to back is ignored. At
maximum gain, the match is still good but front to back can drop to as low as
10 dB on 20m. We will know more about this after additional range testing
and computer modeling.
180 degree mode: 4 elements in forward direction, wide spaced 3 element in
180 degree direction
Bi-Directional: pretty much the same performance the 3 element Yagi has.
6 meters: it will work similar to that of the 3 element without the passive
element adder, if you go with the passive element adder it will probably be
two passives, making an outstanding 6 element 6 meter yagi. (price not yet
determined for adder)
If you have the 3 element yagi, the element adder kit will be approximately
$500.00, which includes: boom, truss system, 4th element, software changes.
You will need another 4 conductor cable.
Introductory price for the stand alone 4 element yagi: $1589.00
Make no mistake about it, there is no multiband antenna that we know of that
will outperform this new Yagi, and someone will have to have a very big
mono-band antenna to top the performance of the new SteppIR 4 element yagi.
As always, if there is an antenna manufacturer that believes otherwise, we
will gladly participate in head to head competition with any comparable
antenna on the market.
Thanks and 73s
John Mertel / WA7IR / SteppIR Antenna Systems