Yes, Tony N2TK is exactly right. The I.C.E. (and Polyphaser) are both "shunt"
devices that shunt current to ground - so plan on providing a good ground from
your ICE/Poly box to the tower. I used crimp on lugs where I split the cable
and two wires to each lug, one lug per screw terminal. I also used some of
that "bulb grease" that is used in RV's and to weatherproof electrical
connections in cars. The stuff I used came with my beam - but there are lots
on the market and at auto supply stores.
I used three of them in my installation of a new SteppIR beam (along with the
I.C.E. #301U coax lightning protection units). Two for the 13 wires coming
from the SteppIR (12 control and ground) and one for my HAM-IV rotor. I
purchased the 50VDC units and they are working perfectly.
I sure feel better knowing they are up there at least providing some form of
de ken n9vv
n9vv at arrl dot net