Hi All,
As many on the list may recognize, I have been asking a lot of questions
over the past month regarding 160 meter antennas. However, I have decided
on what I am putting up and now need some advice. I am going to erect the
Battle Creek Trapper designed by K1ZM. I am going to wind my own coax traps
using the Antenna Trap Design program from Tony field for dimensions. Here
though, is my question. I do not have a grid dip meter or any type of vom
with an RF probe. I do have access to the local DX club's MFJ 259B antenna
analyzer but it does not have the add on which, I understand, allows it to
act like a grid dip meter. What methods, using this device only, would you
suggest to check my home brew traps for resonance? I am totally blind so
please be specific if describing connections and so on since I have little
actual physical experience with one of these analyzers. If you respond
privately, please send cc to my home address of k7rx@attbi.com.
Thanks in advance for your help and advice. 73
Kevin, K7RX
Kevin Nathan, Independent Living Coordinator
Dept. of Services for the Blind
3411 S. Alaska
Seattle, Wa 98118
Voice: (206) 721-6450
Cell: (206) 604-4767
Toll Free: (800) 552-7103
Fax: (206) 721-6403
Email: kevnathan@dsb.wa.gov