I will be putting up three antennas on a 70' tower:
Hygain TH-11 (12 SQ FT)
M2 3 element Linear-Loaded 40m Yagi (9.5 SQ FT)
M2 5 element 6m Yagi (2.0 SQ FT)
I will be using a 20' chromally mast, with 5' of it going into the tower.
That leaves me 15' to use. Hence, the top of the mast will be 85'.
Been reading alot about ideal take-off angles and have concluded that I'd
better put my 40m yagi on top (85'), with the 6m Yagi 7.5' (77.5') below it,
and the TH-11 right at the top of the tower(70'). Is this what you would do?
Esthetically, I'd rather do it in reverse, to resemble more of a Christmas
tree pattern (TH-11 on top), but feel that the added height on 40m might make
a difference and the lesser height on 10/15 will be more ideal...
Your thoughts are welcome!!
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