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[TowerTalk] To Bury or Not to Bury

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] To Bury or Not to Bury
From: (Mike & Coreen Smith)
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 23:18:17 -0400
If at all possible try to angle the conduit at a downward slant, or use
drain pipe (holes facing down).

I did the sloping bit (it was a real hard dig towards the end,*whew* but
never had trouble with water buildup as any moisture drains out the lower
end, near the base of my closest tower)
Drain pipe "can" be hard to fish through at times. (hint---put a rope inside
it as you go along putting it together)

Mike 'AA

Michael, Coreen & Corey Smith
(VE9AA,  VE9AAA & Little-VE9 to be)
271 Smith Rd
Waterville, NB
E2V 3V6

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim White, K4OJ" <>
To: "Bruce Makas" <>; "towertalk submital"
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] To Bury or Not to Bury

> pro:
> aesthetics and ease of lawn mowing
> absorption of rf gone astray (I know, its coax)
> not falling on your face when you have to climb the tower at night because
> you tripped over the feedlines
> con:
> sweat
> labor
> if you put it in a conduit make sure you do not create a situation which
> will hold water in as well as it keeps it out....a low spot in the middle
> can become filled with deliciously stagnant water and do a really nice job
> on the stuff wallowing in it
> A new home development near me has a flex conduit they are burying for
> communications stuff, think cable TV and telephone will share this - if is
> on a huge spool and probably is smooth as silk on the inside making
> a snap - no lumps or bumps to snag on...
> You have two choices the way I see it - either bury it or bury it inside
> something
> My Opinion
> k4oj
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bruce Makas" <>
> To: "towertalk submital" <>
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 10:30 AM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] To Bury or Not to Bury
> >
> > My principle QTH is a rural area and there is no need for me to bury the
> > feed lines and control lines for aesthetic reasons, but is there another
> > reason? I have several one hundred foot runs and I was thinking, why not
> > just leave them on top of the ground? If there is a concern about
> > eating the cables (?) I can just have a run of PVC on top of the ground
> with
> > the cables inside.
> >
> > Or is there a compelling reason to bury? RFI? Lightning protection?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Bruce, K1MY
> >
> >
> >
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