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[TowerTalk] boots

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] boots
From: (James H. Fitzpatrick, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:08:46 -0600
Having done a fair amount of climbing (tower and mountain) over the years,
but not so much as some of you, I've tried a number of boots on various
types of towers. The best I've found are heavy duty mountain climbing boots
as Steve has suggested - the type that have very stiff uppers and soles and
are designed to be used with crampons. These come in leather and composite
types. I have an Italian made leather pair 25 years old and you can barely
feel the rung through them. A poor second are lighter weight hiking boots,
even those with steel shanks. The soles are thinner (to save weight on the
trail) and you feel that thin tower rung a lot sooner. Like Craig I have 3
pair of jungle boots that I brought back from Viet Nam in 1969. They have a
steel shank, but it is quite thin (again to save weight) and the soles are
very flexible compared to a climbing boot. I've tried them on the tower and
found them to be wanting for long sessions. I would never recommend for
anyone to use sneakers or running shoes. Too slippery, too thin, no heel to
catch the rung, too uncomfortble. I've never tried lineman's boots. They
sound intruiging, sort the equivalent of a heavier duty climbing boot.

Good climbing - be safe.



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