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[TowerTalk] Feedlines and phasing

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Feedlines and phasing
From: (Tom Rauch)
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 08:00:20 -0500
> I am thinking of phasing a 4-sq and Yagi through an antenna switchbox
> (so they can be separate at other times).  The Yagi feedline is 3/2
> wavelength long.  The 4-sq. feedline is currently 4/2 wavelengths
> long. (It is not possible to make it 3/2 wavelengths long and I don't
> want to make the other yagi feedlines 4/2 wavelengths long).

Hi Bob,

I assume you are going to fire the antennas in different directions, 
to fill in a null. If so, that is OK as long as neither antenna has 
significant radiation in the same desired directions. In this case the 
phasing can be anything you like, it makes no difference at all, so 
you can use whatever line lengths you want!

If you are trying to add the gain of the two antennas or get a 
combination vertical and horizontal polarization to reduce fading, as 
a general rule it won't work.

What you get, unless circumstances are planned carefully to rotate 
the wave, is a tilted wave that is a single skewed polarization. 
Since this is an ionospheric path, if you succeed in transmitting or 
receiving circular polarization, the combined system will at best 
have the same average fading on receive and greatly increase 
fading on transmitting.
73, Tom W8JI 

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