I would not expect much benefit from a 2L80 at only 85 ft
which is barely over 1/4 WL high. The ground reflection at
1/4 WL high is centered straight up. The free space pattern
of the Yagi is centered at the horizon. The vector product
will peak somewhere in between. You may want to model
a 2L80 and an 80M dipole at 140 ft and 85 ft and see how
much net gain you will realize from that configuration before
proceeding. You might be surprised to see little benefit
over a dipole at 85 ft.
40M antennas play VERY WELL from 70 to 100 ft so that
is a good choice.
Tom N4KG
K7PUC wrote:
I am planning on installing subject beam at 85' using the Orion 2800
rotator--both already on hand.
These 80m yagi posting have me wondering what problems I may be facing.
plan is to install
one set of elements on the boom at ground level (crankup tower), raise
tower to vertical and
then rotate the boom 180 degrees. Lower the tower and install the
end elements.
Never having had a tower higher than 35', I will appreciate all comments.
BTW, I was mostly interested in a 40m beam but decided to add 80m!
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