In a message dated 7/20/01 11:42:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
After much looking, I have finally found a source for utility poles. In
addition to a new 60 foot tower, I am putting up five 40 foot utility poles;
four of which will be supports for a 160M horizontal loop, and the fifth
pole will provide support for future wire antenna experiments. I plan to
plant the utility poles about 5 feet deep making the poles 35 feet high. My
plan is to plant the four corners of the horizontal loop about 150 feet from
the shack. Part of the sales pitch to my XYL is to bury the feed line out
to the loop.
Are there any issues with running 450 ohm ladderline in PVC pipe
underground? True open wire line would probably be best (like W7FGs), but
I'm not sure how to "discretely" bring it back to the shack.
I am also looking for ideas for corner wire supports for the horizontal
Kevin Hemsley
What was the source of the utility poles and were they wood or metal?
When grid dipping open wire line I've found it should be at least 5' over
ground. I will run a loss test on it say 1' over gorund and the new resonant
frequency. Supporting it in PVC pipe would be a waste of time it seems to
me. I'd feed the loop with a 100 ohm balanced 100 or 150 ohm coax into a
Match Box also modified for 160M and it will be a great system. Make it
multiples of 91' 2" for .66 VF coax.
Open wire line can be made more drescrete with certain XYL gifts and
complements of her looks! K7GCO
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