K7LXC wrote:
While running the cables inside a tower is somewhat handy since the
acts as a Farraday shield for lightning protection, IMO it's a real pain
the butt to put them inside and takes longer than simply running them
outside. The vast majority of commercial towers have their cables down
My reply:
If you live with your tower everyday, you will be thankful for the
extra time you took to put your control cables inside, rather than
outside, the tower. You're gonna be banging a lot of stuff against
that tower for the next 20 years, and its just one less thing to
worry about.
Commercial practice isn't always so great to follow. Go see what the
Polyphaser folks have to say about the commercially common practice
of not taking feedline all the way to the ground before routing it
into buildings for an example of another bad habit to be avoided.
- Pat
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