Just as I hit "send" I remembered I DO have another option, rather than
building the array described below from scratch.
I currently have 2 x, 8el 6m beams on 30' booms, horizontally polarized,
stacked 14' apart, one above the other at 35'/49'.
I can spin the bottom one 90 degrees and using my BLU switching. I guess I
would then have:
L(vertical), U(horizontal),B(elliptical).
Has anyone tried T H I S??
Mike VE9AA
> Hi Everyone,
> Mike VE9AA here.
> Brand spanking new to the list and I am going to fire off a question right
> off the bat.
> Has anyone tried side by side yagis, each slanted 45degrees, (tops
> towards one another), fed IN-PHASE
> for elliptical polarization? (I don't want RHCP/LHCP)
> I am primarily a 6m DXer so local tropo, EME, etc. usually does not
> me much.
> I'm thinking of a pair of the K6STI long 5 elements spaced 5/8wl apart up
> 58' or so.
> Have 5 "other" 6m antennas here, so wanna try something "new".
> Mike VE9AA
> Michael, Coreen & Corey Smith
> (VE9AA, VE9AAA & Baby)
> 271 Smith Rd
> Waterville, NB
> E2V 3V6
> Canada
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